Web Design Layouts That Users Will Love

A web design layout might win tons of awards and accolades, but if users don’t love it, what’s the point?

To create web design layouts that are actually rewarding from every angle, web designers have to be in tune with what people honestly like when visiting a site. From the site’s ability to excite visitors to take action, to its continuously outstanding analytics and functioning, it should be ideal on every level.

How can you make sure your web design layout is compelling and not clouded? Check out these ideas for layouts your users will love again and again.

Make Navigation Menus and Bars Super-Easy to Find

Hiding your navigation menus, tabs, buttons, and bars is like building a house without giving people an easy way in. How much time will users spend at your site if they can’t get from where they are to where they want to be?

Most web design layouts feature a nav bar at the top of the page, to the left on the page, or to the right on the page. Some also include a duplicate navigation bar at the bottom of the page if the content forces users to scroll down to get the full amount of information.

This is the tried-and-true navigation methodology. Some modern websites are experimenting with other navigation techniques, such as having callout buttons that can be clicked to go to other webpages. Be very cautious if you opt for something untested. Most people are accustomed to a streamlined experience that doesn’t require much hunting.

When It Comes to Words, Less Is Always More

If your users wanted to read a book, they would grab their Kindles or pull a novel from the nearest bookshelf. From a website, they probably want only the facts in skim-worthy snippets. Sure, they are at your website to get an education, but they shouldn’t work too hard. Make it tough on them, and they’ll bounce away and possibly never return.

You can have as much content as you like on your pages, but break it down into digestible bits. Aim for bulleted lists, bold headers, and short paragraphs. This will help users find what they need immediately without having to sift through a virtual novel.

Give Them a Picture Book to Enjoy

Humans are visual creatures who respond to what they see. Give your visitors great images that entice them to stay on your website.

You can find some fabulous images on the web, but be forewarned: The stock photography you love is probably the same stock photography that’s been used by other web designers. This is the reason many people have made the move to invest in unique, professional photography. Sure, it’s more expensive than buying a stock image, but it’s not going to be found anywhere else on the Internet. That makes it exclusive and exciting.

Make Forming a Relationship Simple

Are you making it easy for your users to build a relationship with you through your site? If you aren’t putting call-to-action (CTA) buttons and links front-and-center, you’re missing a great opportunity to create dialogue, build trust, and increase brand loyalty.

Visibility is key, so make your CTAs obvious. Have a customer service number? Put it at the top of your page. Want to move users to talk to your representatives through online chat? Add the chat bar option to the lower right quadrant or at the right side of your web page.

These steps will make it a snap for visitors to connect and to feel like your site is transparent.

Spend Time Developing and Perfecting Mobile Layouts

What could be worse than a shoddy mobile website layout? Responsive and mobile site web design requires that you frequently evaluate how your site looks on the variety of available mobile devices.

People everywhere are spending more and more time with their mobile devices. Have a web design layout that translates effortlessly onto every mobile platform. You’ll get the reward of happier visitors who don’t feel left out —  and who linger longer.

In the world of web design, user love isn’t something that just happens. It’s something that comes from the deliberate, thoughtful actions of web designers and their teams. And when designers hit gold, they create valuable user-site connections that can lead to serious business growth and impressive site analytics.

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