The Best Color Schemes for Your Website

Colors. They control so much of the way we view our world. Not only do they help us recall memories, but they have a psychological draw. After all, there’s a reason that energetic red and yellow hues are McDonald’s calling card, whereas many financial and insurance agencies prefer a dependable blue shade. Sometimes, the color scheme for a website is determined entirely by personal preference. Other times, it’s a drawn-out process of trial and error. At the end of the day, you want your website to speak to your visitors in a visual “voice” that encourages them to trust your company. (more…)
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Do Bounce Rate and Web Design Correlate?

Your website seems to be drawing visitors, which tells you that your search engine optimization (SEO) is working. But too many of them seem to leave almost immediately. Your bounce rate keeps going up, and you’re not sure why. Could your web design be the culprit? (more…)
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Images and Web Design: Can There Be Too Many?

You have a clear vision for your website, and it includes plenty of images — images of your product, images of your team, images of your brick-and-mortar building. In other words: Images, images, and more images! But there’s a point of diminishing returns on everything, images included. Eventually, you have to ask yourself a big question: Can there be too many images on a website? (more…)
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10 of the Best Web Designs

Sometimes, certain websites just stand out. They may be traditional and sophisticated, or highly unusual and visionary. What makes them different from the rest? The differentiating factors usually include the combinations of standard website elements mixed with a heavy dose of ingenuity. If you want to create amazing user experiences (UX) but you’re fresh out of novel ideas, we have some inspiration for you. Below are 10 websites featuring exciting web designs. (more…)
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5 Ways Online and Mobile Web Design Differ

Online web design and mobile design share many similarities, but they have some significant differences. These differences are essential for web designers to keep in mind, especially when educating their teammates and clients. Five of the biggest ways that online and mobile web design differ are explained below. (more…)
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